Amity destined for treaty
Charity for prosperity
Harmony for hostility
Love for lusty cupidity
Compassion to comply
Comradeship to compromise
Crusade to conquer
Currency to cast vote
Nuptial- knot to bid- adieu
Paternity by gene testimony
Probity only in daylight
Hypocrisy in noble heart
Pardon, Shakespeare
For the amendment of
Your trustworthy quote…
Frailty, thy name is Human!


A Journalist - Lover of Society, Nature, Poetry, Literature, Arts etc

19 thoughts on “FRAILTY, THY NAME IS…”

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  2. Well done look at our dark side. We all have that dark side. No Yang without Yin. I like to think that most of us most of the time choose wisely from the tendencies. To quote a favorite character of mine, . “It is our choices Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”


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